Tuesday, January 12, 2010

J. Crew and The American Hero - "The Sperry Top-Sider"

Remember those formative years where "The Official Preppy Handbook" by Lisa Birnbach was a staple for many middle school girls & boys shaping everything from pet choices to proper speak? It even had a chapter on "Where to Shop" (Catalogs) and while L. L. Bean was the modern girl's preppy catalog then, many of us have modernized our choices of dress through many of the classics that J. Crew has to offer.  J. Crew has clearly picked up some utterly preppy staples and added a modern twist.  Take the Sperry Top-sider which was a shoe of choice for many prepsters.  We had several pairs just in case the lab chewed the suede strings off of them.  On page 129 of the Handbook, #10 notes that the Sperry Top-siders "have been in Prep closets since sailing lessons started in sixth grade" and "they're the automatic choice with khakis"! Now they are back through J. Crew in Platinum Gold!  I am not sure I can revive this classic back into my wardrobe, but they JC's sure are pretty or least a little cooler than when I first wore them back in the 80's (oh no)!  And like most things, J. Crew seems to make it work...will see if this will grow on me again!  Afterall, it has been a style icon since 1935.  Love to hear your thoughts on this modern update of a true classic shoe.


  1. I bought two pairs of Sperry's last year...the classic style in a tan color and a bronze metallic (not as clunky as the new J.Crew offering). Love them both! Check out the Sperry website for more styles - even in patent leather!

  2. I think I might have too! Thanks, the patent might be really cute...
