Thursday, July 14, 2011

Could There Ever Be Another Carrie?

So my husband and I had a lively bicker the other evening as to whether or not Sex and The City, the movies had "jumped the shark".  He further raised my "dander" by suggesting that perhaps it was time for a new "Carrie".  Now for some perspective as to why I would possibly be defensive.  If you are even remotely a fan as I am, you likely have also watched every single episode at least twice.  I've seen the movies at least three times each and I would agree that the second lost some steam, but I didn't care.  I still loved their challenges, outfits and relationships with each other.  I firmly squared off in that there could only be the original SATC girls.  Having younger women take over their roles would be such a let down in my opinion!

I remember reading a headline from (UK) back in February which asked a similar question..."The New Carrie?"  There was apparently buzz that Blake could possibly play the young Carrie in a Sex and the City prequel which is based on Bushnell's novel The Carrie Diaries.  Now mind you the prequel is about the coming of age of these characters, but I don't think it would have the same appeal.  Even when I read the book I envisioned SJP throughout.  Could there be another?

I love everything about Carrie and SJP has made herself and the character a fashionable icon.  Her humor had so many of us belly-rolling with our girlfriends over their stories, trends and challenges.  Carrie made us dream of Manolo's and her fabulous wardrobe in general. That, could never be replaced.  And besides, Blake wears Louboutins!

What are your thoughts?  Has SATC "jumped the shark"?  If you are a fan would you be just as excited to see different stars playing the girl's roles in the prequel?  Should they make another SATC movie with SJP and friends?  

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